- to, towards (indicates directionality)
- with respect to; regarding
- along with; with (accompanying (the main thing in question))
- at, on (indicates location)
- at (indicates time)
- by, in, on, at (indicates mode (of transportation, speech, etc.))
- for; (with a noun) as, by way of (for the purpose of)
- for (in honor of, or directed towards the celebration or event of)
- into (indicates transition into another form or substance)
- as, for, to be (to take on the role of)
- to (used to indicate ratios)
- at (denotes a price or rate)
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Wir müssen produzieren , um wettbewerbsfähig zu sein .
Nous devons produire pour être compétitifs.
Um die Ausfallzeiten zu verkürzen , wird Tag und Nacht gearbeitet .
Day and Night est travaillé pour raccourcir les temps d'arrêt.
Nun geht es darum , diese Unterlagen zu berücksichtigen und sehr sorgfältig auszuwerten .
Il s'agit maintenant de prendre en compte ces documents et d'évaluer très attentivement.