


  1. to hear (to perceive sounds (or a sound) through the ear)
  2. to listen to, pay attention to (to give (someone) one's attention)
  3. to attend, to go to, to sit in on
  4. to get, to receive
  5. to listen (to pay attention to a sound or speech; to accept advice or obey instruction)
  6. to hear (to receive information; to come to learn)
  7. to hear (to be contacted (by))

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Darauf   sind   auch   vier
  komplett   neue   Songs   zu   hören .

Quatre chansons complètement nouvelles peuvent également être entendues à ce sujet.

Er   ist   zu   allen   wichtigen den  Ortsbezirk  betreffenden   Fragen   zu   hören .

Il peut être entendu sur toutes les questions importantes concernant le district municipal.
