


  1. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  2. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  3. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  4. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  5. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  6. to expose oneself, to succumb, to come out to face, to confront
  7. to feign, to simulate, to pretend

Произносится как (IPA)


  1. to stand (to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
  2. to be, to appear, to stand (to be placed or located somewhere)
  3. to stay; to be still
  4. to stay, to stand, to be (in a certain state, position or circumstance)
  5. to suit, to become (to look attractive on, of a garment, color etc.)
  6. to represent, to stand for
  7. to support, to stand by
  8. to put, place
  9. (colloquial) to fancy


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Ich   möchte   Ihnen   jedoch   eine   eher   technische   Frage
  stellen .

Тем не менее, я хотел бы задать вам довольно технический вопрос.

Missouri-Infanterie-Regiments,  das  Anderson  stellen   sollte .

Пехотный полк Миссури, который должен предоставить Андерсон.

Ich   möchte   dem   Kommissar   eine   Frage
  im   Zusammenhang   mit   der   Rechtsgrundlage   stellen .

Я хотел бы задать комиссару вопрос в связи с юридической основой.

Die  Bevölkerungsmehrheit  stellen   mit Abstand   die   Aserbaidschaner .

Большинство населения, безусловно, азербайджанцы.

Daher   sind   sie
  prinzipiell   bereit günstig   Eigenkapital   zur   Verfügung   zu   stellen .

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