


  1. Type or kind. (Compare race.)
  2. Type or kind. (Compare race.)
  3. Type or kind. (Compare race.)
  4. Type or kind. (Compare race.)
  5. Type or kind. (Compare race.)
  6. (obsolete) An image, an appearance, a spectacle.
  7. An image, an appearance, a spectacle.
  8. Either of the two elements of the Eucharist after they have been consecrated.
  9. Coin, or coined silver, gold, or other metal, used as a circulating medium; specie.
  10. A component part of compound medicine; a simple.

Pronunciado como (IPA)


  1. Type or kind, in various uses of the phrase in specie.
  2. Money in the form of coins made from precious metal that has an intrinsic value; coinage.


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