


  1. to arrive (often followed by a location)
  2. to happen (unlike other translations of happen, can be used with an indirect object to specify something/somebody affected by the action; it may also be used with a relative clause in the subjunctive)
  3. (informal) to cope, to manage
  4. to be able to, to manage (to do something successfully)
  5. 2015, Claude Nativel, Comme le phénix...: Je n’avais aucune nouvelle de la situation politique dans notre pauvre pays, je ne savais pas ce que j’allais trouver en y foulant son sol, si nous arrivions à passer la frontière du pays voisin sans nous faire arrêter. I had no news of the political situation in our poor country, I didn't know what I would find when I set foot on its soil, if we were able to cross the neighboring country's border without being arrested.
  6. 2015, Claude Nativel, Comme le phénix...: Je n’avais aucune nouvelle de la situation politique dans notre pauvre pays, je ne savais pas ce que j’allais trouver en y foulant son sol, si nous arrivions à passer la frontière du pays voisin sans nous faire arrêter. I had no news of the political situation in our poor country, I didn't know what I would find when I set foot on its soil, if we were able to cross the neighboring country's border without being arrested.
  7. 2015, Claude Nativel, Comme le phénix...: Je n’avais aucune nouvelle de la situation politique dans notre pauvre pays, je ne savais pas ce que j’allais trouver en y foulant son sol, si nous arrivions à passer la frontière du pays voisin sans nous faire arrêter. I had no news of the political situation in our poor country, I didn't know what I would find when I set foot on its soil, if we were able to cross the neighboring country's border without being arrested.
  8. to obtain a level of success or fame

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