


  1. State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success.
  2. State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success.
  3. Omission to do something, whether or not it was attempted, especially something that ought to have been done.
  4. An object, person or endeavour in a state of failure or incapable of success.
  5. Termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function; breakdown.
  6. Bankruptcy.

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Oefen met het spreken en onthouden van " failure " en vele andere woorden en zinnen in Engels .

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Meanwhile the  Bynars  discreetly   create   a
  catastrophic   failure   in   the  ship's  warp   core .

Ondertussen creëren de Bynars discreet een catastrofale storing in de warp -kern van het schip.
