


  1. The act of entering.
  2. Permission to enter.
  3. A doorway that provides a means of entering a building.
  4. The act of taking possession.
  5. The start of an insurance contract.
  6. A passageway between terraced houses that provides a means of entering a back garden or yard.
  7. A small room immediately inside the front door of a house or other building, often having an access to a stairway and leading on to other rooms
  8. A small group formed within a church, especially Episcopal, for simple dinner and fellowship, and to help facilitate new friendships
  9. An item in a list, such as an article in a dictionary or encyclopedia.
  10. A record made in a log, diary or anything similarly organized; (computing) a datum in a database.
  11. A term at any position in a matrix.
  12. The exhibition or depositing of a ship's papers at the customhouse, to procure licence to land goods; or the giving an account of a ship's cargo to the officer of the customs, and obtaining his permission to land the goods.
  13. The point when a musician starts to play or sing; entrance.
  14. The introduction of new hounds into a pack.

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The   S
. W
. A
. T
entry   team   used   an   optical   wand   to   observe   the   proceedings   behind   the   door

Le S.W.A.T. L'équipe d'entrée a utilisé une baguette optique pour observer la procédure derrière la porte.
