Let's travel and see what happens when we hit the road.
Hy 👨 rûn fierder en fierder.
He walked on and on.
De bestjoerder fan de auto 🚗 hie gjin 🙅 alkohol dronken.
The driver of the car had not drunk alcohol.
De reis nei Sina driget yn it wetter 🚰 te fallen.
The trip to China threatens to fail.
Gean nei kontakten.
Go to contacts.
De hurdfytser ûntsnapte al betiid yn de wedstriid.
The cyclist escaped early in the race.
It Nederlânsk alvetal reizget dochs ôf nei Argentinië.
The Dutch team still travels to Argentina.
Dizze ôfspraak ferstjoere.
Send this appointment.
De boat ⛵ wurdt meilûkt.
The boat is pulled along.
In 🅰️ swier ûngelok mei twa 2 frachtweinen soarge foar swiere ferkearsoerlêst.
A serious accident involving two lorries caused severe traffic congestion.
As de omstannichheden goed 👍 binne, meitsje wy in 🅰️ nachtkuier fan fyftjin 15 kilometer.
If the conditions are good, we make a night walk of fifteen kilometers.
We sjogge allegearre nei de loft omdat der in 🅰️ grutte helikopter oerfleant.
We all look at the sky because a big helicopter is flying over.
De lofthaven 🛬 is út alle rjochtingen wei 🛣️ te berikken.
The airport can be reached from all directions.
Dizze besite wurdt lestiger, want der moat jild 💸 weromfrege wurde .
This visit will be more difficult, because money must be asked for.
De spiler hat gjin 🙅 kontraktuele ferplichtingen en kin frij 🆓 nei in 🅰️ oare klup.
The player has no contractual obligations and can freely go to another club.
Yn de bus kaam ik neist sa'n moai blier jongfeint te sitten.
In the bus I got to sit next to such a beautiful young man.
Do silst oanpoatsje moatte om de trein te heljen.
You will have to wait to catch the train.
By de stopljochten geane jo rjochtsôf.
At the stoplights, turn right.
It programma foarsjocht yn in 🅰️ rjochtstreekse stipe oan 🔛 keunstners.
The program provides direct support to artists.
De hockeyers moasten ûnder plysje-eskorte nei it hotel.
The hockey players had to go to the hotel under police escort.
De organisaasjes wolle mei de skipswrakken in 🅰️ soart deademars foar de Fryske kust hâlde .
The organizations want to hold a kind of death march for the Frisian coast with the shipwrecks.
Wikselje nei folgjend finster.
Switch to next window.
As fytser fielst dy fûgelfaai tusken parkearre en ridende auto's.
As a cyclist, you feel like a bird between parked and moving cars.
Fanwege it oarlochsgeweld wienen de minsken twongen om harren wenplakken te ferlitten.
Because of the violence of the war, the people were forced to leave their places of residence.
Asto har oertsjûgje kinst om werom te kommen, sil ik dy ivich tankber wêze .
If you can convince her to come back, I will be eternally grateful.
It draachfermogen fan de fearpont wie net 🚫 berekkene op 🆙 it tanimmen fan frachtferfier.
The carrying capacity of the ferry was not calculated on the increase in cargo transport.