Learn Spanish.

The world is bigger than just Columbus and United States of America Let's learn one of the languages of your neighbors!

Learn a new language

Language is the key to opening doors to new cultures, opportunities, and connections. Our mission is to empower you on your journey to becoming multilingual.

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Hola Bonjour Hallo Ciao Olá Hallo Merhaba Hej Hei Hej Hei Cześć Helló

Personalized and automatically adjusted learning.

You only see content which is made for your language level. We automatically adjust the questions and content we show you based on how good (or bad) your comprehension of a language is. This is called the "Zone of proximal development".

Dutch course

🍎 Appel

📚 Boek

🏠 Huis

🚲 Fiets

🐶 Hond

🏫 School

🌳 Boom

☕ Koffie

🚗 Auto

💡 Lamp

❤️ Liefde

Spanish course
  • party
  • feast
Open in dictionary

Learn a new language, the fun way.

learnfeliz is an interactive language learning game designed to make language acquisition enjoyable. Unlike many existing language learning applications that focus heavily on structured lessons, you can freely choose what to learn. The words that make up a sentence are easily distinguishable by visual cues like emojis.

Ask questions to native speakers.

Simply type in your question about a specific sentence or word, and watch as the native speakers in our community provide insightful answers. No more struggling alone – collaborative learning is at the heart of learnfeliz.

Turkish course
I have a question!
In the sentence "Yarın bir partiye gitmek istiyorum.", what does "istiyorum" mean?

Frequently asked questions