Portuguese numbers are relatively easy and straightforward. Here are some sentences with numbers in it so you know how to use them.
Havia o suficiente para comprar 🛍️ muitas armas .
There was enough to buy many weapons.
Eles são 🔉 incontáveis .
They are countless.
Quantos anos tem Ellie Goulding?
How old is Ellie Goulding?
Ele psicografou quase quinhentos livros .
He psychographed almost five hundred books.
Trezentos e quarenta 40 e duas pessoas foram convidadas .
Three hundred and forty-two people were invited.
Os vinte e oito 28 Jogos Olímpicos estarão em Pyeongchang.
The twenty-eight Olympic Games will be in Pyeongchang.
Tem uma área construída de dezessete 17 metros e oitenta 80 e um 1 centímetros quadrados .
It has a built-up area of seventeen meters and eighty-one square centimeters.
O Serviço de Recursos Humanos anunciará a incorporação de nove 9 docentes aos departamentos envolvidos .
The Human Resources Service will announce the incorporation of nine professors to the departments involved.
É necessário que noventa 90 por cento dessas lâmpadas fluorescentes atendam a esse critério .
Ninety percent of these fluorescent lamps are required to meet this criterion.