For language fanatics, let's learn something about other languages than the Galician language.
A miña maneira de escribir ✍️ fundamental é moi próxima deste «acontecer».
My way of writing is very close to this' happening '.
Todo este proceso terá as súas repercusións na literatura.
This whole process will have its repercussions on the literature.
O seu interese especial foi para moitas linguas indoeuropeas.
His special interest was for many Indo-European languages.
É profesor 🧑🏫 de lingua 👅 e literatura galega .
He is a professor of Galician language and literature.
Penso , mirándote, que debería aprender chinés 🇨🇳/🇲🇴 mandarín .
I think, looking at you, I should learn Mandarin Chinese.
E aínda por riba enriqueces o teu vocabulario e falas cada vez ⌚ mellor .
And even above that you enrich your vocabulary and speak better and better.
Todos fixeron referencia ás promesas incumpridas do actual presidente da Xunta .
They all made reference to the broken promises made by the current Chairman of the Board.
Hai galego na literatura e nas artes plásticas.
There is Galician in literature and the fine arts.
'Rexeitamento do novo mapa sanitario'.
'Rejection of the new health map'.
As linguas oficiais son 🔉 o neerlandés e o frisón.
The official languages are Dutch and Frisian.
Colaborou en varias publicacións con artigos catalanistas.
He has collaborated in a number of publications with Catalan articles.
Profesora de Lingüística Indoeuropea na Universidade de Salamanca.
Professor of Indo-European Linguistics at the University of Salamanca.
A crise espiritual agudizouse e refuxiouse na literatura para expresar o colapso do mundo 🗺️ .
The spiritual crisis intensified and he took refuge in literature to express the collapse of the world.
O acerto fundamental desta linguaxe é que logra un 🅰️ equilibrio entre simplicidade e flexibilidade .
The key point of this language is that it strikes a balance between simplicity and flexibility.
Dedicouse á literatura e ó xornalismo e desenvolveu tamén unha 🅰️ labor empresarial.
He devoted himself to literature and journalism and also developed a business career.