


  1. to kill, slay
  2. to put out, extinguish (a flame or light)
  3. to butcher
  4. to injure, damage
  5. to fatigue, exhaust, tire out
  6. to dull (render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish)
  7. to round off
  8. to ruin
  9. (colloquial) to kill (to annoy)
  10. (colloquial) to kill (to get mad at)
  11. (colloquial) to kill (to amaze, exceed, stun)
  12. (colloquial) to beat (to be better than)
  13. to postmark
  14. to kill oneself, to commit suicide
  15. to be killed, to meet one’s death
  16. to become galled, to become chafed, to get sores (said of horses)
  17. to wear oneself out

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