


  1. inflection of economisch: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive
  2. inflection of economisch: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive
  3. inflection of economisch: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive


  1. economic, relating to the economy
  2. economic, relating to economics
  3. economical, relating to economizing


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Ook   in   een   economische   crisis   zijn   deze   doelstellingen   actueel .

Such objectives are just as relevant in an economic crisis, but equality policy should focus on men as well.

De   economische   voordelen   van   kernenergie   staan   buiten  kijf.

The economic efficiency of nuclear power has been proved beyond doubt.

Dat   is   allereerst   een  concurrentiestrijd  tussen   onderzoek   en   andere   economische   sectoren .

This is, first and foremost, a competition between research and other economic sectors.
