The Determiner institute Noun is Auxiliary currently Adverb presided Verb by Adposition Niranjan Hirandani, Managing Director of Adposition Hiranandani Constructions Proper noun .
Proper noun
The institute is currently presided by Niranjan Hirandani, Managing Director of Hiranandani Constructions. The institute is currently presided by Niranjan Hirandani, Managing Director of Hiranandani Constructions.
Words and sentences
- An organization founded to promote a cause
- An institution of learning; a college, especially for technical subjects
- The building housing such an institution.
- (obsolete) The act of instituting; institution.
- (obsolete) That which is instituted, established, or fixed, such as a law, habit, or custom.
- The person to whom an estate is first given by destination or limitation.
- third-person singular simple present indicative of be
- (colloquial) Used in phrases with existential there (also here and where) when the semantic subject is plural.
- present indicative of be; am, are, is.
At this moment, at present, now.
simple past and past participle of preside
- Near or next to.
- From one side of something to the other, passing close by; past.
- Not later than (the given time); not later than the end of (the given time interval).
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the creator of a work: Existing through the authorship etc. of.
- Indicates a means of achieving something: Involving/using the means of.
- Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
- Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
- Indicates a means of classification or organisation.
- Indicates the amount of change, difference or discrepancy
- In the formulae X by X and by Xs, indicates a steady progression, one X after another.
- Acted on in units of the specified size or measure. (Sometimes hyperbolically)
- per; with or in proportion to each.
- Indicates a referenced source: According to.
- Used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something.
- Designates a horse's male parent (sire); cf. out of.
managing director
The chief executive of a limited company.
- Expressing distance or motion.
- (obsolete) Expressing distance or motion.
- Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.).
- From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.).
- Expressing separation.
- Expressing separation.
- (obsolete) Expressing separation.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Expressing possession.
- Expressing possession.
- Expressing possession.
- Forming the "objective genitive".
- Forming the "objective genitive".
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- (informal) Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- (informal) Expressing a point in time.
plural of construction