Žodžiai ir sakiniai
first-person singular present indicative of ter
age (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time)
- for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for)
- indicates application of an adjective; to
- to; so; in order to (indicates purpose)
- towards; to; in the direction of (indicates destination)
- introduces the location, direction or context that applies to a verb
- to (to the value of)
- in the opinion of
- about to; soon to be (indicates that something will happen soon)
- to be (to have the given quality), especially a quality that is intrinsic or not expected to change, contrasting with estar which denotes a temporary quality
- to be (to be an example or type of, or the same as)
- to be; forms the passive voice
- to be; indicates a point in time
- to be in (to be located in)
- to be (to have as one’s place of origin)
- to be (someone’s); to belong to
- to be for; to be to (to have as its purpose)
- to be supposed to; should; introduces an expected or demanded action
- to be; to cost (to be worth a given amount of money)
- to happen; to take place; to occur
- to be against or in favour of
- to exist; to be
- used for emphasis
- Third-person singular possessive pronoun. his; her; its
- Third-person plural possessive pronoun. their; theirs
- Second-person singular possessive pronoun. your; yours (when using the second-person pronoun você)
- Second-person plural possessive pronoun. your; yours (when using the second-person pronoun vocês)
- you (used before epithets for emphasis)
- father (male who sires a child)
- one's father
- parent (either a mother or a father)
- father (the founder of a discipline or science)