Parole e frasi
- before (at an earlier time)
- in the past; previously
- preferably
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of (introduces the noun that applies a given adjective or past participle)
- from (born in or coming out of)
- by means of; by
- as (in the role of)
- in (wearing)
- to go (to move to a destination)
- will; to be going to; forms the future tense
- to keep on; to go on; ~ on; forms the continuative aspect
- to go; to leave; to depart
- to attend; to go to (to be present in an event)
- to go on until; to last to
- to do; to fare (to have a good or bad result)
- to be doing; formula used in greetings
- to be gone (depleted, destroyed; no longer usable)
- to leave (to die); to depart (to die)
- to go (to begin an action or process)
- to match; to go with (to form a good combination with)
- to like or tolerate
- to follow (to take into account when making choices)
- to range (to encompass values between two given extremes)
- to call (to match the amount of chips in the pot)
- to depart; to leave
- to pass away; to depart; to die
- I (first-person singular personal pronoun)
- (Brazil) first-person singular prepositional pronoun; me
first-person singular present indicative of querer
to hug, embrace
- third-person feminine singular nominative pronoun she; it
- third-person feminine singular prepositional pronoun her
- (Brazil) third-person feminine singular pronoun used in all positions she; it; her
first/third-person singular preterite indicative of dizer