Parole e frasi
- what
- which (referring to the entire preceding clause)
- that, which (referring to das, alles, etwas, nichts, and neuter substantival adjectives)
- (colloquial) that, which (referring to neuter singular nouns, instead of standard das)
- (colloquial) something, anything (instead of standard etwas)
- why (with emphasis, astonishment or disapproval)
- should; to be obligated (to do something); ought; shall
- to be recommended (to do something); to be asked (to do something)
- to be intended (to do something); to be meant (to be something)
- to be said (to do something); reportedly; they say that; I hear that; so they say; rumor has it; supposedly.
- would; indicates that the subordinate clause indicates something that would happen in the past but after the time frame of the main clause
- should; indicates that the subordinate clause indicates a hypothetical and unlikely condition for the main clause
- nominative/accusative singular feminine of der
- nominative/accusative plural of der
- genitive singular of Nachbar
- dative singular of Nachbar
- accusative singular of Nachbar
- nominative plural of Nachbar
- genitive plural of Nachbar
- dative plural of Nachbar
- accusative plural of Nachbar
- from
- of, belonging to (often replacing genitive; see usage note below)
- by (with passive voice)
- about, of (a topic)
- on, with (a resource)
accusative/dative of wir: us
- to think
- not to forget; to remember
- to imagine
- to think, to believe, to assume, to conjecture