


Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)


  1. (of communication or means of communication: words, statements, signs, etc.) To know the meaning of; to parse or have parsed correctly; to comprehend.
  2. (of communication or means of communication: words, statements, signs, etc.) To know the meaning of; to parse or have parsed correctly; to comprehend.
  3. (of a skill, task, profession, etc.) To be thoroughly familiar with; to be able to undertake properly.
  4. To comprehend a fact or principle; to regard or come to regard a belief as such.
  5. (of people) To know the intent, motives or character of; (of events) to know the causes of or reasons for.
  6. To believe, to think one grasps sufficiently despite potentially incomplete knowledge.
  7. To regard as present when not.
  8. To stand underneath, to support.
  9. To comprehend or grasp (some particular matter); to have comprehension (in general);


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More   years   of   research   were   spent   understanding   the   reactions   involved .

Mehr Jahre der Forschung wurden damit verbracht, die damit verbundenen Reaktionen zu verstehen.
