
Bedeutung (Englisch)

  1. An act of interpreting or explaining something unclear; a translation; a version.
  2. A sense given by an interpreter; an exposition or explanation given; meaning.
  3. The discipline or study of translating one spoken or signed language into another (as opposed to translation, which concerns itself with written language).
  4. The power of explaining.
  5. An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature.
  6. An act or process of applying general principles or formulae to the explanation of the results obtained in special cases.
  7. An approximation that allows aspects of a mathematical theory to be discussed in ordinary language.
  8. An assignment of a truth value to each propositional symbol of a propositional calculus.
  9. heritage interpretation


Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)
Etymologie (Englisch)

From Middle English [Term?], from Anglo-Norman [Term?], from Old French [Term?], from Latin interpretātiō, noun of action from interpretor (“to explain, expound, interpret, understand, conclude, infer, comprehend”) Morphologically interpret + -ation


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I   failed   to   reach   a
  conclusive   interpretation .

Ich habe es nicht geschafft, eine schlüssige Interpretation zu erreichen.

Tartakower's  interpretation   and   treatment   of   the   opening   generally   led   to   a
  closed manoeuvring   game .

Die Interpretation und Behandlung der Öffnung durch Tartakower führte im Allgemeinen zu einem geschlossenen, manövrierten Spiel.
