


  1. The process of constructing.
  2. Anything that has been constructed.
  3. The trade of building structures.
  4. A building, model or some other structure.
  5. A (usually non-representational) structure, such as a collage etc.
  6. The manner in which something is built.
  7. A group of words arranged to form a meaningful phrase.
  8. The act or result of construing the meaning of something.
  9. The meaning or interpretation of a text, action etc.; the way something is viewed by an observer or onlooker.
  10. A geometric figure of arcs and line segments that is drawable with a straightedge and compass.

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The structure was of 聽all-metal聽 construction
,聽 which was then 聽fabric-covered.

Die Struktur bestand aus der gesamten Metallkonstruktion, die dann mit Stoff bedeckt war.

Cohomology arises from the algebraic dualization of the construction
of homology .

Die Kohomologie ergibt sich aus der algebraischen Dualisierung der Konstruktion der Homologie.
