


  1. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  2. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  3. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  4. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  5. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  6. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  7. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  8. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  9. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  10. A group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
  11. A method or way of organizing or planning.

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An   example   of   such   a
  system   is   a
  mass   on
  surface   with   friction .

Ein Beispiel für ein solches System ist eine Masse auf einer Oberfläche mit Reibung.

The   lift   was   operated   by   a
  pneumatic   system .

Der Aufzug wurde von einem pneumatischen System betrieben.

Storage   pools   allow for   the   grouping   of   disks   within   a
  file system .

Speicherpools ermöglichen die Gruppierung von Festplatten innerhalb eines Dateisystems.

There is   no
  authoritative   system   of   voice   classification   in  non-classical  music

Es gibt kein maßgebliches System der Sprachklassifizierung in nicht klassischer Musik.
