set off
Bedeutung (Englisch)
- To leave; to set out; to begin a journey or trip.
- To begin; to cause; to initiate.
- To cause to explode, let off.
- To put into an angry mood; to start (a person) ranting or sulking, etc.
- To enhance by emphasizing differences.
- To offset, to compensate for: to reduce the effect of, by having a contrary effect.
- To deface or soil the next sheet; said of the ink on a freshly printed sheet, when another sheet comes in contact with it before it has had time to dry.
Unterschiede herausarbeiten
auf dem Weg sein
endgültig dorthin gehen
Akzent legen auf
take the road
trigger off
point out difference between
set against
set going
sally forth
sally out
begin a journey
make a start
start a journey
walk quickly
absent onself
absent onself from
concentrate on
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