Wörter und Sätze
virile nominative/vocative plural of były
- yet (used with negated verbs)
- still
- also, too; another
- emphasizes a comparative even, still, yet, to a larger degree
- emphasizes a positive element among bad elements even so
- even (in reality; implying an extreme example in the case mentioned)
- at least
- expresses discontent
- not yet; so far; Further details are uncertain.
w ogóle
- by the way (incidentally; used in referencing a parenthetical statement not timely, central, or crucial to the topic at hand; foregone, passed by, something that has already happened)
- at all, even (to the slightest degree, in any way, at any time or in any circumstance)
- far (at a great distance)
- far (a long time away)
- far (to a great degree)
- indicates separation, distance, loss of contact; from, away
- indicates origin of movement; from, away
- indicates moment of origin in time; from, since, for
- indicates source or cause; from, because of
- indicates intended use or purpose; for
- indicates specialization
- used in comparisons; than
- used to indicate the author of a letter or work; from, by
- used in passive constructions; by
- indicates material; from
Alternative form of się
locative/vocative singular of ogół
The twenty-eighth letter of the Polish alphabet, called wu and written in the Latin script.