For language fanatics, let's learn something about other languages than the Western Frisian language.
Ik fyn Frânsk 🇫🇷/🇲🇫/🇬🇵/🇲🇶/🇵🇲/🇷🇪/🇹🇫/🇾🇹 dreech.
I find French difficult.
Mail heit 👨👦 oer de belesting.
Mail dad about the tax.
Opmerklik binne de hurde wurden fan de Rekkenkeamer.
Notable are the harsh words of the Court of Auditors.
Yn har lêste brief skreau hja dat har mem 👩🍼 ferstoarn wie.
In her last letter she wrote that her mother had died.
Der foel nochal ris in 🅰️ swiere flok by harren thús.
There was quite a heavy curse at their home.
Ik befêstigje dat dizze sinnen út it
publike domein komme .
I confirm that these sentences are from the public domain.
Wurd sonder haadletters.
Word without capital letters.
De skriuwer hat in 🅰️ boek 📖 ferskine litten mei syn briefwiksel mei Gerard Reve.
The author published a book with his correspondence with Gerard Reve.
In 🅰️ positive hâlding oangeande it
aktyf behearskjen fan de Fryske taal is in 🅰️ oanrekommandaasje.
A positive attitude towards actively mastering the Frisian language is a recommendation.
Hy 👨 hat tajûn dat er mei in 🅰️ minderjierrich famke 👧 oer seks chat hat.
He admitted that he chatted about sex with an underage girl.
Fred mompele wat en stuts de rjochterhân mei de wiisfinger bestraffend omheech.
Fred mumbled something and thrust his right hand up with his index finger in punishment.