School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!
Es profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria .
He is a teacher of Secondary Education.
Hoy en día funciona ahí la Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Today, the National University of Rosario operates there.

Actualmente estudia Ingeniería Química .
He is currently studying Chemical Engineering.

Estudió en la Universidad Cornell.
He studied at Cornell University.
El jefe de estudios era un 🅰️ indeseable .
The head of studies was an undesirable.
Una universidad espeluznante donde alguna vez , Cortex fue alumno .
A creepy college where Cortex was once a student.
Sus investigaciones se enfocan principalmente en las actividades al interior de la escuela 🏫 .
His research focuses primarily on activities within the school.
Una vez ⌚ finalizadas las prácticas sigue con sus estudios de quinto 5th de Periodismo .
Once the internship is finished, he continues with his fifth-year studies in Journalism.
El jardín de niños es patrocinado públicamente pero dirigido por operadores privados .
The kindergarten is publicly sponsored but run by private operators.