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School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!

Es   profesor   de   Enseñanza Secundaria .

He is a teacher of Secondary Education.

Desde   esto toma   unas   medicinas   que   su   maestra   Dante   le   prepara .

From this, he takes some medicines that his teacher Dante prepares for him.

Es   abogado   titulado   por   la   Universidad   de   Buenos Aires .

He is a lawyer with a degree from the University of Buenos Aires.

Estudió   biología   en   la   Universidad   de   Hamburgo   y
  en   la   de   Cambridge .

He studied biology at the University of Hamburg and the University of Cambridge.

Recibió  su   maestría   en   la   Universidad   de  Madras.

He received his Masters' degree from the University of Madras.

Es   docente   y
  especialista   en   educación   y
  gestión   cultural .

He is a teacher and specialist in education and cultural management.

Se   licenció   en   Teatro   en   la  University of  Victoria .

He graduated in Theatre from the University of Victoria.

Estudió   Filología   Inglesa   y
  Magisterio   en   la   Universidad   de   Santiago de Compostela .

He studied English Philology and Teaching at the University of Santiago de Compostela.