Time to eat.
Fire has a lord, this water does not.
Who should drink?
“Is there no wine in this country?” the young man said.
A blue restaurant that sits on the water.
The old man and the old wine are best friends.
The wine calls the sound.
Can we meet this meal please?
Wine, little is good, much is poison.
At midnight I realize that there is no water.
Those who drink a lot, get some sleep.
Many children and little bread, will take.
The coffee had a very strong flavor.
We were in a good mood after eating so well in the restaurant!
Five men sitting with a body of water behind them.
Children playing in the water.
Oil, wine and friend, the old one.
He said it wasn't black rice.
The good breed dog remembers the bread and the game.
A lot of red apple fell to the ground.
To make the package work, the best medicine is wine.
Eat, drink and don't believe it.
My father doesn't smoke or drink.
Rainbow in the morning, the afternoon water.
You will eat the changed bread and drink the used wine.
A dog with a water bag is walking through the clear green water.
Wine enters the heart like a tiger in the jungle.
Did you make the coffee?
When we went swimming at noon, we had water, but it wasn't enough.
There is a need to arrange food and drink for the exercise of seven.
Fast food is convenient but often unhealthy.
For Christmas, the pork in salt and for Easter, in the fire.
God gives bread to those who have no talent.
I don't like sushi, so I really didn't like the meal.
A rice field near some old buildings.
Do not throw the baby out with the bath water.
Then he took a bottle of wine out of his backpack and drank some.
Wine measures sound.
Hot, for many, and ice cream, for the cat.
Middle-aged woman eating chicken.
They made cheese dumplings.
Bread will be the basis of main courses unless it is dry.
Dried eggs and tea should suffice.
The shrimp king, from the sea, the wine is calling.
A tanned dog jumping out of a boat into the water.
How does a farmer milk the cow?
The coffee cup is too high.
Oxygen is essential for life on earth, as is water.
The image shows several people eating at outdoor tables.
Four kids in a fake egg having fun.
Wine, salt and pepper take action.
People getting food on a walk to the restaurant window.
People eating or drinking in a kitchen.
Seed is needed to plant spring corn.
The cuts begin to touch the pear of truth.
Leave a little more water on the fire in case you have to add it.
To eat a piece of bread, any sardine is good.
A man is sitting on a square stone eating his lunch.
Speaker, fresh water and mulled wine.
How many cups of tea and cakes did each person have?
Float the soap on top of the bath water.
Brave people and good wine don't last long.
A sip of tea revives your tired friend.
Four men at a coffee stand on a city sidewalk.
The red ribbon surrounded the contraband food.
The boat advanced with less speed into the gull's dead water.
Salt was the best way to keep food out of stock.
The group of young adults is hanging out smoking and drinking together.
Two girls are in shallow water without shoes.
Vineyard cake, grape door.
Loreto was a peasant rice and a roast.
A man drinking orange juice as he walked.
Add the boiling juice of the beans.
He decanted the wine and began to tell the disturbing story they told him.
Some jump from a bridge into the water while others watch from the bridge.
The operation has a supply of potable water from a well located on the farm.
Analysis laboratory or milk center, when applicable, to which they belong.
A girl splashes into the water near a large blue water slide.
Try these gray bracelets with those cream and pastel scarves.
Sausages? Croquettes and broccoli are our canteen meal today.
People who make food in a giant skillet on the turntable.
Then add the grated tomato and let it cook for another twenty minutes.
And because this statement is very clear, they swallow the cassava with a drink.
Add the onion and, when red, carrot and nap.
Does pineapple juice have any effect on fighting respiratory infections?
Add the pasta to the pan and mix well, along with the meat.
We double the organic ginger juice with the crystallized ginger pulp.