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Family is where life begins, and love never ends. So here is a collection specially created to address your family.

 augino  močiutė .

He was raised by his grandmother.

Šeimoje  dar   turi   brolį   ir  dvi seseris.

You still have a brother and two sisters in your family.

Tačiau  pirmą kartą gyvenime  ji
  turi  palikti  savo  motiną Wanda.

But for the first time in her life, she has to leave her mother, Wanda.

  buvo   Lietuvos  kariuomenės kapitonas.

His father was a captain of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

Dukroms retkarčiais leisdavo aplankyti tėvą.

My daughters were occasionally allowed to visit their father.

Po  šio  įvykio  Žozefas  buvo  pristatytas  jos  šeimai  ir  vedė  jos  seserį Žiuli.

Following this event, Joseph was introduced to her family and married her sister Julie.

 įsūnijo  antros  kartos  dėdė   Klaudijus   ir  padarė  savo  įpėdiniu.

He was adopted by Uncle Claudius of the second generation and made his successor.

 Viljamas užsiėmė egzotiškų  gėlių  eksporto verslu  į
 Lotynų  Ameriką .

Father William was in the business of exporting exotic flowers to Latin America.