Family is where life begins, and love never ends. So here is a collection specially created to address your family.
Sein Vater war protestantisch , seine Mutter katholisch .
His father was Protestant, his mother Catholic.
Sein jüngerer Bruder Thomas Kammerlander ist ebenfalls Naturbahnrodler.
His younger brother Thomas Kammerlander is also a natural rail tobogganist.
Für zweihundertfünfzehn Millionen Sprecher ist Bengalisch die Muttersprache .
Bengali is the mother tongue of two hundred and fifteen million speakers.
Schiestl und sein Vater errichteten die beiden Seitenaltäre.
Schiestl and his father erected the two side altars.
Solimena entstammte einer Malerfamilie und wurde zunächst von seinem Vater Angelo Solimena ausgebildet .
Solimena came from a family of painters and was initially trained by his father Angelo Solimena.