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Family is where life begins, and love never ends. So here is a collection specially created to address your family.

Übermorgen   kommt   Onkel   Bernd   zu   Besuch .

Uncle Bernd comes to visit the day after tomorrow.

Sein   jüngerer   Bruder
  Thomas  Kammerlander  ist   ebenfalls  Naturbahnrodler.

His younger brother Thomas Kammerlander is also a natural rail tobogganist.

Ihn   förderte   der  kursächsische Kabinettsminister  Graf
  von  Hoym,  der   Onkel   seiner   zweiten   Ehefrau

He received advancement through the good offices of the Cabinet Minister of the Electors of Saxony, Count von Hoym, the uncle of his second wife.

Sie   ist  Designerin, Stylistin,  Autorin   und   Schwester
  des   Schauspielers   Patrick  Muldoon.

Ahmet is now married to Shana Muldoon — designer, stylist, writer and the sister of actor Patrick Muldoon.