School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!
Profesor 🧑🏫 de ensino secundario .
Secondary Teacher.
É francamente algo que hai que analizar con profundidade .
It is frankly something that needs to be analyzed in depth.
Licenciado en empresariais.
Graduated in Business.
Licenciouse en dereito pola Universidade de Santiago de Compostela .
He graduated in law from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Licenciouse en Dereito pola Universidade de Sevilla .
He graduated in law from the University of Seville.
Orientou a súa vida profesional cara ao Maxisterio.
He directed his professional life towards the Magisterium.
Diplomado en Maxisterio pola Universidade de Santiago de Compostela .
Master's Degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Nesta universidade estudou Carl von Linné e foi profesor 🧑🏫 de botánica .
Carl von Linnaeus studied at this university and was a professor of botany.
Diplomouse en Maxisterio en Lugo
He graduated in Magisterium in Lugo.
Licenciouse en Medicina 💊 na Universidade de Santiago de Compostela coa cualificación de sobresaínte.
He graduated in Medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela with the qualification of outstanding.