Galician numbers are relatively easy and straightforward. Here are some sentences with numbers in it so you know how to use them.
Este inventario nunca foi realizado.
This inventory has never been carried out.
Entre os seus empregados pódense contar 🔢 cinco 5 premios Nobel.
Among its employees, there are five Nobel laureates.
Detecto tres 3 individuos.
I have detected three individuals.
Ámbito de aplicación dos títulos primeiro 1st a noveno 9th .
Scope of the Titles First to Ninth.
Como consecuencia o satélite 📡 perdería capacidade de exploración equivalente a un 🅰️ día por mes .
As a consequence the satellite would lose exploration capacity equivalent to one day per month.
Neste álbum outros catorce 14 músicos están implicados na creación e na gravación.
In this album fourteen other musicians are involved in the creation and recording.
Na actualidade son 🔉 cinco 5 os Paradores desta categoría .
There are currently five candidates in this category.
Gañou seis 6 encontros, empatou sete 7 e perdeu dez 10 encontros.
He won six games, drew seven and lost ten.
Permitíuselle manter unha 🅰️ garda 💂 persoal de seiscentos 600 homes .
He was allowed to keep a personal guard of six hundred men.
As perdas nos sectores pesqueiro e turístico tamén foron cuantiosas.
The losses in the fishing and tourism sectors have also been quantitative.