Let's travel and see what happens when we hit the road.
¡Levádeo para outra habitación!
Take it to another room!
Isto víase vir .
This was seen coming.
Abra o maleteiro.
Open the suitcase.
Aviados estabamos outra vez 🔁 !
We were flying again!
Saen barcos turísticos de ambas cidades diariamente .
Tourist boats leave from both cities on a daily basis.
Dirixiu o voceiro socialista "Renovación".
He directed the socialist spokesman "Renewal."
A fase móbil ten propiedades diferentes que a fase estacionaria.
The mobile phase has different properties than the stationary phase.
A xira estivo chea de incidentes con borracheiras e enfrontamentos coa seguridade .
The tour was full of drunken incidents and clashes with security.
Orientou a súa vida profesional cara ao Maxisterio.
He directed his professional life towards the Magisterium.
Pontevedra terá , por fin 🔚 , transporte metropolitano.
Pontevedra will finally have metropolitan transportation.
A duración dos movementos individuais están collidos da súa discografía oficial.
The length of the individual movements is taken from their official discography.
Despois estivo catro 4 anos en Centroamérica como misioneiro .
He spent four years in Central America as a missionary.
Vostede non 🙅 demostrou nin a coordinación nin a planificación nin a transversalidade.
You have not demonstrated either coordination or planning or transversality.
O uso simultáneo de todos os indicadores de dirección indica unha 🅰️ emerxencia .
Simultaneous use of all direction indicators indicates an emergency.
Especializouse en epidemioloxía e marchou a Filipinas .
He specialized in epidemiology and went to the Philippines.
Durante o desembarco os voos de abastecemento e protección das forzas invasoras continuarían .
During the landing the supply and protection flights of the invading forces would continue.
Realizaron diversas exposicións itinerantes con obras de artistas da época ⌚ .
They held various itinerant exhibitions with works by artists of the time.
As aeronaves tripuladas son 🔉 controladas por un 🅰️ piloto.
Manned aircraft are controlled by a pilot.
Nestas expedicións tamén viaxaban científicos e xornalistas que gravaban películas e realizaban experimentos científicos .
In these expeditions, they also traveled to scientists and journalists who recorded films and conducted scientific experiments.
Estaba dirixido por Luís Tato Vento e nel colaboraban socialistas como France García García.
It was directed by Luis Tato Vento and collaborated with socialists such as France García García.
Estruturalmente as súas ecuacións de equilibrio corresponden a unha 🅰️ lámina de revolución .
Structurally their equilibrium equations correspond to a sheet of revolution.
Estas relacións exprésanse comunmente mediante un 🅰️ grafo acíclico dirixido .
These relationships are commonly expressed by a directed acyclic graph.