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Months of the Year

Here are some sentences to help you understand and memorize the months of the year.

E   outra   imaxe   que non   viamos   desde   marzo .

And another picture we haven't seen since March.

 principios  de   abril   comezou   a   discusión   do   proxecto   constitucional .

At the beginning of April the discussion of the constitutional draft began.

Festa   Sacramento   en   xuño .

Feast of the Sacrament in June.

O  gañador  foi   confirmado   no   mes   de   outubro   despois   das  propostas  dos   outros  participantes.

The winner was confirmed in the month of October following proposals from the other participants.

Florean  no   período   de   abril   a   maio   no  hemisferio  norte .

They bloom in the period from April to May in the northern hemisphere.

No  hemisferio  norte  florea  entre   abril   e   agosto .

In the northern hemisphere it blooms between April and August.

Reinaba   daquela  Ramiro  I
. Trala  derrota   os  viquingos  seguiron   a   súa  singradura rumbo  Lisboa .

He reigned from that time Ramiro I. After the defeat, the Vikings continued their march to Lisbon.