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Days of the week

Here are some sentences to help you understand and memorize the days of the week.

O   sábado   chegou   a   que  talvez  era   a   obra   máis   esperada   do  festival.

Saturday came to what was perhaps the most anticipated piece of work at the festival.

Actúa  este   sábado   en   Vigo .

He performs this Saturday in Vancouver.

Na  segunda,  o  Dux asustou.

On Monday, the Dux freaked out.

O   mércores   despiden   a  primeira  volta   no  Benito Villamarín.

On Wednesday, they bid farewell to the first round at Benito Villamarín.

O   pasado   sábado   Luz   Pozo   Garza   foi  declarada  filla  predilecta  de  Ribadeo.

Last Saturday, Luz Pozo Garza was declared the favorite daughter of Ribadeo.