


third-person singular masculine past of wziąć

Giới tính
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Phát âm là (IPA)

  1. to take (to grab with the hands) [+instrumental = with what] [+ za (accusative) = by what part]
  2. to take (grabbing with one's hands, to place somewhere)
  3. to take in (to agree to take care of)
  4. to take (to allow to join)
  5. to take (to ensure that one has something with them when they depart)
  6. to take, to charge (to ask for or demand a certain amount of money for something) [+ za (accusative) = for what]
  7. to take (to have temporarily, e.g. a room at a hotel)
  8. to take (to hire a particular person for a job or task)
  9. to take; to get (to gain from a particular source, e.g. a resource)
  10. to take, to take away (to deprive of) [+dative = from whom]
  11. to take (to force someone to go somewhere, e.g. to the police)
  12. to take (to ingest e.g. medicine)
  13. to take (to conquer, to gain e.g. a city)
  14. to take (to have sexual relations with a woman)
  15. (colloquial) to take (to pass on the road while driving)
  16. to take (to consider someone or something to be something, especially unfairly) [+ za (accusative) = for what]
  17. to get someone to do something (to convince someone to taking a particular action) [+ na (accusative) = to what]
  18. to take; to get (as a light verb, to be the performer or subject of an action)
  19. to take (to appear in someone's body or psyche)
  20. to bite; to take (to attach to a hook on a rod; to be caught) [+ na (accusative) = with what bait]
  21. to take on (to accept a position or function)
  22. to take (to defeat someone or something)
  23. to put on (to begin wearing some article of clothing) [+ w (accusative) = what clothing]
  24. (colloquial) to take (to interest, to grab someone's attention)
  25. to build up
  26. to get (to understand somehow)
  27. to take (to get hit)
  28. to take after, to get from (to inherit some traits)
  29. to take, to choose, to select
  30. to take oneself (to grab oneself by something) [+ pod (accusative)] or [+ za (accusative) = by what]
  31. to take each other (to grab each other by something) [+ pod (accusative)], [+ w (accusative)], or [+ za (accusative) = by what]
  32. to get to (to begin to do some activity) [+ do (genitive)] or (proscribed) [+ za (accusative) = to what]
  33. to be convinced (to allow oneself to be convinced to doing something) [+ na (accusative) = to what]
  34. (colloquial) to take on (to begin to deal intensively with matters related to a specific person) [+ za (accusative) = whom]
  35. (colloquial) to come from (to have a source from)
  36. (obsolete) to be deceived
  37. (obsolete) to get to (to arrive, to go to)
  38. to appear, to show up

Tiếng Ba Lan

Bắt đầu học Tiếng Ba Lan với learnfeliz .

Luyện nói và ghi nhớ " wziął " cùng nhiều từ và câu khác trong Tiếng Ba Lan .

Truy cập trang khóa học Tiếng Ba Lan của chúng tôi
" Wziął   kapelusz
  szybko   wyszedł   z
  pokoju ."

"Anh ta lấy chiếc mũ và nhanh chóng rời khỏi phòng."

" Potem   wziął  kopertę, podniósł    do   światła   i
 oglądnął  z
  całą  dokładnością."

"Sau đó, anh ta lấy phong bì, nhặt nó lên ánh sáng và xem nó với tất cả độ chính xác."
