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Từ và câu
- by (indicates the creator of a work)
- for (indicates something given in an exchange)
- through, out, via (indicating movement)
- across (indicating movement)
- about
- due to, because of, for, for the sake of, out of (to express cause or motive)
- over
- times, by, multiplied by
- according to, for, regarding (to express opinion or something concerning someone)
- via, through, by (indicating the means of something)
- for (indicating duration)
- for, for the sake of, on behalf of (indicating doing something for someone's benefit)
- per, for each
- to (indicating something that has not yet passed)
- about to (indicating something that will soon happen)
- compared to; against; versus (indicating a comparison)
it, neuter third-person subject and disjunctive pronoun (used only to refer to facts, sets of things, and indefinite things that have been mentioned before; generally used with prepositions and rarely used as a subject, except in literary style)
third-person singular present indicative of ser
- destiny, fate
- destination
- position, post
The name of the Latin-script letter D/d.
- lecture
- class (lesson)
- class (group of students)
- class (level of society)
- kind, sort, type
- class
- class (elegance)
related to all the parts of the world; global
- that
- than
- indicating a reason; because, for
- indicating desire or permission; may (used with the subjunctive)