Palavras e frases
- third-person feminine singular nominative pronoun she; it
- third-person feminine singular prepositional pronoun her
- (Brazil) third-person feminine singular pronoun used in all positions she; it; her
- inflection of sentir:
- inflection of sentir:
- inflection of sentar:
- inflection of sentar:
- much; many; a lot of; lots of
- too much; too many (an excessive amount of)
- for (on behalf of)
- for (in order to obtain)
- for (over a period of time)
- for (indicates something given in an exchange)
- by (through the action or presence of)
- by (indicates the creator of a work)
- by (using the rules or logic of)
- times, by, multiplied by
- by; in the name of (indicates an oath)
- per; a; each (expresses the ratio of units)
- by (indicates a mathematical division)
- through (entering and then leaving; being the medium of)
- around; about; near (in the vicinity of)
- around; about; approximately (close in quantity, amount or value to)
- throughout (in various parts of)
- for; in favour of (supporting)
- for its own sake; without a motive
- about to
- third-person masculine singular nominative personal pronoun; he; it
- third-person masculine singular prepositional pronoun; him; it
- (Brazil) third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used in all positions; he; him; it