
Oznaczający (Angielski)


Wymawiane jako (IPA)

  1. (ditransitive) to give
  2. (ditransitive) to give
  3. (ditransitive) to give
  4. (ditransitive) to give
  5. (ditransitive) to give
  6. (ditransitive,transitive) to give
  7. (ditransitive) to give
  8. (ditransitive) to give
  9. (ditransitive) to give
  10. (ditransitive) to give
  11. (impersonal) to be possible, can
  12. (transitive) to throw (to organise an event)
  13. (transitive) to report (to publish or broadcast news)
  14. (impersonal) to be reported (to be published or broadcasted, of news)
  15. (intransitive,transitive) to result in, to lead to
  16. (auxiliary,impersonal,intransitive) to suffice, to be enough
  17. (transitive) to make (to tend or be able to become)
  18. (transitive) to consider (assign some quality)
  19. (colloquial) to defeat by a given score
  20. (intransitive) to come across, to bump into (to find someone or something accidentally or in an unexpected condition)
  21. (Brazil,slang,vulgar) to put out, to allow to be sexually penetrated

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