Słowa i zdania
the letter E with an acute accent
como se
- as though (as to suggest that)
- as if (ironically denoting something unlikely)
to console, comfort
- how (in what way, manner)
- why; how could (for what cause, reason, or purpose), when the action is considered reproachful
- such as; like; for example: introduces an example or list of examples
- like; just alike; similarly to
- how: indicates surprise, delight or other strong feelings
- third-person singular and plural reflexive pronoun; himself; herself; itself; themselves
- (Brazil,colloquial) first-person singular reflexive pronoun; myself
- third-person singular and plural reciprocal pronoun; each other; one another
- (Brazil,colloquial) first-person plural reciprocal pronoun; each other; one another
- second-person singular and plural reflexive and reciprocal pronoun, when used with second-person pronouns other than tu and vós; yourself; yourselves
- impersonal pronominal verb; oneself
- accessory, when it is used to embellish the verb without its omission impairing the understanding.
- particle of spontaneity, when it indicates that there was spontaneity in the action by its agent.