


  1. (transitive with de or with no preposition (more common)) to treat (to handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way)
  2. (transitive with de or with no preposition (more common)) to treat (to apply medical care to a person)
  3. (transitive with de or with no preposition (more common)) to treat (to apply medical care in order to eliminate a condition)
  4. to treat (to subject to a chemical or other action)
  5. to treat; to negotiate with
  6. to address someone with a specific form of address
  7. to behave (to conduct oneself in a given way)
  8. (transitive with de or with no preposition (more common)) to take care of; to care for (to attend to the needs of)
  9. to be about; to have as its subject
  10. to talk about; to discuss
  11. to do something promptly; usually used to emphasise orders
  12. (Brazil) to feed (to give someone, especially an animal, food to eat)

Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)


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