


  1. connection, relation, relationship (relationship existing between two things) [+ między (instrumental) = between what/whom], [+ z (instrumental) = with what/whom], [+genitive = of what/whom]
  2. connection, bond relation, relationship (contact between two things between connectedness or communication may be established) [+ z (instrumental) = with what/whom]
  3. bond, relation, relationship (that which connects two things) [+ między (instrumental) = between what/whom], [+ z (instrumental) = with what/whom]
  4. relationship (romantic connection between two people) [+ z (instrumental) = with what/whom]
  5. union, association (institution whose aim is to realize common goals of its members)
  6. compound (substance formed by chemical bonding of two or more elements in definite proportions by weight)
  7. point, meaning, sense; logic
  8. (obsolete) bond (that which physically connects things)
  9. (obsolete) bind (that which prohibits or inhibits)
  10. (obsolete) bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf
  11. (obsolete) chain, belt (line of similar objects)
  12. (obsolete) ligament

Hyphenated as
♂️ Masculine
Pronounced as (IPA)


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—  I
  jaki   może   mieć   ona
  związek   ze  śp.  mężem  seniory?

"And what relationship can she have with the late husband of a senior?"
