


third-person singular present of zaczynać

Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)

  1. to start, to begin (to do something previously not done) [+infinitive = to do what]
  2. to start (to enter the first stages of something) [+infinitive = to do what]
  3. to begin (to do something as the first of a series of actions) [+instrumental = with what], [+ od (genitive) = from what]
  4. to begin, to start (to take on a particular profession) [+ jako (nominative) = as what], [+ w (locative) = in what field]
  5. to begin (to open and start using something previously unused)
  6. to begin (to say something at first and continue speaking afterwards) [+ o (locative) = about what]
  7. to begin, to start (to gain a particular ability) [+infinitive = to do what]
  8. to start (to be the cause of conflict)
  9. (obsolete) to enter pregnancy, to become pregnant
  10. to start, to begin (of events, etc., to have a beginning; to be initiated)
  11. to start, to begin (of places, etc., to have an edge; to be first seen somewhere)
  12. to start, to begin (of periods, etc., to have the initial phase and continue to last)
  13. to start, to begin (to be the first of a collection of events) [+instrumental = with what], [+ od (genitive) = from what], [+ z (instrumental) = with what]


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Zaczyna   być   kimś .

He's starting to be someone.

W końcu   obraz   zaczyna   wirować już  znikł.

Finally, the image begins to spin, it has already disappeared.

Zaczyna   żyć jak  ciotka-tancerka,  tylko   lukiem   o wiele  wyższym  i
 in nym.

She begins to live like an aunt-dancer, only with a gap much higher and different.
