


  1. to leave (to not take something with oneself when departing a place)
  2. to leave (to transfer to someone such that that person may receive it or familiarize themself with it) [+dative = to whom] [+ dla (genitive) = for whom]
  3. to leave (to not get rid of something for someone) [+dative = to whom] [+ dla (genitive) = for whom]
  4. to leave (to cause something to remain or enter a particular state)
  5. to leave (to decide to perform a given action at a later time; to use a given object at a later time)
  6. to leave (to transfer possession of after death) [+dative = whom]
  7. to leave (to pay for something)
  8. to leave (to break contact with someone; to desert or separate from)
  9. to leave (to cause someone to be alone after death)
  10. to leave (to cause the arisal of something upon finishing an activity)
  11. to leave (to not perform an action so that someone else may) [+dative = (for) whom]
  12. to leave (to stop being engaged with someone or something)
  13. (colloquial) to leave (to not consume a portion of food or drink)
  14. (colloquial) to leave (to quit an action or activity)
  15. to leave (to not fill a given section of free space with something)
  16. to leave (to let alone; to not bother)
  17. (obsolete) to leave behind (to pass, to get ahead of)

Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)

From zostawić + -ać.


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Nie   chcę   zostawiać   tylko   cyfr   dla   statystyki chcę   przyszłą   historię   wzbogacić   w
  dokumenty .

I do not want to leave only numbers for statistics, I want to enrich the future history with documents.
