


  1. utterance; word; term (basic unit of language)
  2. expression (statement expressing thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc.)
  3. expression (act of conveying content in art)
  4. expression (ability to evoke feelings in others)
  5. expression (facial appearance usually associated with an emotion)
  6. expression (manifestation of something)
  7. expression (arrangement of symbols denoting values, operations performed on them, and grouping symbols)
  8. (obsolete) utterer
  9. (obsolete) sound (manner in which a word sounds)
  10. (obsolete) understanding (meaning of a word)

Hyphenated as
♂️ Masculine
Pronounced as (IPA)


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Lecz   najbardziej  zdumiał  go   wyraz twarzy .

But what amazed him the most was the look on his face.

" Wyraz twarzy   jego  przykuł  uwagę  zebranych."

"The look on his face caught the attention of the crowd."

" Tylko   wódz  zachował  surowy nieubłagany   wyraz twarzy ."

“Only the chieftain retained the stern, unrelenting expression on his face.”

Na   twarzy   jej  zjawił  się   wyraz  przestrachu  i
  rozczarowania .

An expression of fear and disappointment appeared on her face.
