


  1. to point, to indicate, to show (to show with one's finger or gesture) [+dative = to whom], [+instrumental = with what], [+accusative = whom/what] or [+ na (accusative) = at whom/what]
  2. to point, to indicate, to show (to communicate to someone in order to choose a particular thing amongst other things) [+dative = to whom], [+accusative = whom/what] or [+ na (accusative) = at whom/what]
  3. to point, to indicate, to show (to be the base on which someone draws a conclusion) [+ na (accusative) = at what]
  4. to point, to indicate, to show (of i.e. measuring devices, to present a direction or value)
  5. to point, to indicate, to show (to draw someone's attention towards something)
  6. (obsolete) to issue a recommendation or order; to pronounce
  7. (obsolete) to deem, to judge (to isse one's judgement on someone)
  8. (obsolete) to cede, to transfer
  9. (obsolete) to be visible, to be seen

Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)

From ws- + kazać.


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" Sądzę że   gdy  opuszczę  fotel  przewodniczącego,  będę   mógł   wskazać   po   nazwisku   mego  następcę."

“I think that when I leave the chairman's seat, I will be able to point to my successor by name.”
