


  1. service (work for a community or to achieve a specific goal, which someone performs with dedication and a sense of mission) [+dative = to whom/what]
  2. service (work as a member of the military)
  3. service (state of being subordinate to or employed by an individual or group)
  4. service (people in such a state or employed as such)
  5. service (department in a company, organization, or institution)
  6. service (duties performed during specific working hours in some institutions)
  7. (obsolete) service (act of waiting on someone)
  8. (obsolete) service, table setting
  9. (obsolete) sideboard (piece of furtniture for such a setting)

Hyphenated as
♀️ Feminine
Pronounced as (IPA)


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" Tu   będziemy   mieszkać   sami tu   będą   biura tutaj   służba ."

"This is where we'll live alone, this is where the offices will be, this is where the servants will be.

Służba  pilnująca  bramy   nie  stawiała  jej  przeszkód.

The guarding service of the gate did not put any obstacles in its way.
