


genitive plural of noga

Pronounced as (IPA)


  1. leg (lower limb)
  2. foot (part at the end of a leg)
  3. foot (base or pedestal of an object)
  4. (colloquial) clumsy or inept person [+ z (genitive) = at what]
  5. (colloquial) football, soccer
  6. part of a coal deposit to protect miners from a ceiling collapse
  7. foot (basic measure of rhythm in a poem)
  8. foot; Further details are uncertain.
  9. foot (part of an object, e.g. a bed, where a person would place their feet)
  10. (obsolete) bottom of a beehive


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" Dobrze   tylko   było   ci  górale  mieli   zwyczaj  owijania  nóg   szmatami ."

"It was only right that these highlanders had the habit of wrapping their legs in rags."

Widocznie   jeleń
 obalił  go   na   ziemię   uderzeniem   przednich   nóg .

Apparently, a deer knocked him to the ground with the impact of his front legs.
