


  1. denotes location; above, over [+instrumental]
  2. denotes location, particularly in relation to a body of water; on, by [+instrumental]
  3. denotes motion; to above, to over [+accusative]
  4. denotes movement, particularly in relation to a body of water; to [+accusative]
  5. denotes position in comparison; than; over [+accusative]
  6. over (indicates relative status, authority or power) [+instrumental]
  7. denotes highest degree of intensity of an action or state;
  8. denotes subject of activities; on [+instrumental]
  9. with a reduplicated noun, expresses superlative nature; the greatest of all, of [+instrumental] or (stylized) [+accusative]

Pronounced as (IPA)


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" Duch   nasz   nie ma   więc   powodu   ubolewać   nad  rozłąką  z
  ciałem ."

“Our spirit, therefore, has no reason to lament the separation from the flesh.”

Maciuś   siedzi   nad   morzem , rzuca  w
  wodę  kamyki  i
  myśli .

Maciuś sits by the sea, throws stones and thoughts into the water.

  wpół   do   drugiej   nad ranem  posłyszałem  nagle   szum   wody , nadchodziła  fala

At half past two in the morning, I suddenly heard the sound of water, a flood wave was coming.

Podlasiak zamilkł  i
  palcem  potarł  sęk
  nad   prawym   okiem .

Podlasiak fell silent and rubbed the knot above his right eye with his finger.
