


genitive plural of miejsce

Pronounced as (IPA)

  1. place, room, space (location or position in space)
  2. place (section of space that one can occupy)
  3. place; seat (somewhere for someone or something to sit)
  4. place (area of the body)
  5. place (particular location in a book or document, particularly the current location of a reader)
  6. place (responsibility or position in an organization)
  7. there (that place)
  8. place (role which one should fill)
  9. place (position of a contestant in a competition)
  10. place (ordinal relation; position in the order of proceeding)
  11. opportunity, occasion; possibility; need
  12. The meaning of this term is uncertain.
  13. The meaning of this term is uncertain.


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Pozbawieni oparcia,  nie  opuścili  nawet   swych   miejsc  dotychczasowych.

Deprived of support, they did not even leave their previous places.
