


Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)

  1. Alternative form of leże
  2. (obsolete) brushwood (fallen tree or branch)



  1. to lie (to rest in a horizontal position)
  2. to lie (to undergo some disease somewhere)
  3. to lie (to be buried somewhere)
  4. to lie (to be placed or situated, especially flat on a surface)
  5. to lie (to exist somewhere, either temporarily or permanently)
  6. to fit (to be of the right size or shape for something)
  7. (colloquial) to be in a bad state
  8. to lie (to result from) [+ w (locative) = in what]
  9. (colloquial) to suit (to be proper or suitable) [+dative = someone]
  10. to lie (to extend, to outstretch, to spread out)
  11. to lie (to be unused;to be uncared for)
  12. (colloquial) to fail (to not succeed)
  13. to not take the number of tricks announced in an auction
  14. to lie (to have sexual relations with) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  15. to rest (to idle, to not do anything)
  16. to lie; Further details are uncertain.
  17. The meaning of this term is uncertain.


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Obrazy   leżą   we   mnie  zastygłe, wyschnięte  jak  rośliny  w

The paintings lie frozen in me, dried up like plants in a herbarium.

 szafach  leżą  tablice gliniane  z
 asyryjskimi hieroglifami.

In the wardrobes there are clay tablets with Assyrian hieroglyphics.
