


third-person plural present of kazać

Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)

  1. to order, to tell, to command (to verbally recommend or demand that something be done) [+dative = whom] [+infinitive = to do what]
  2. to make; to tell (to cause someone to do something) [+infinitive = to do what]
  3. to dictate (to serve as a model)
  4. (obsolete) to order; to rule (to have control or authority over) [+instrumental = over whom/what]
  5. to forbid, to ban
  6. to enact a law or regulation
  7. to suggest, to recommend, to advise
  8. to suggest, to recommend, to advise
  9. to allow, to let, to permit
  10. to ask for; to invite; to propose
  11. to demand
  12. to bring forth supernatural phenomena


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Drugie że   każą   im   dawać   dobry
  przykład .

The second is that they tell them to set a good example.
